Yakima Herald
September 25, 2018
PATTERSON, Wash. — The wine grape harvest for Alexandria Nicole Cellars’ estate vineyard in the Horse Heaven Hills has been going well.
But co-owner Ali Boyle knows it could have turned out differently. Several wildfires over the summer came dangerously close to the 365-acre vineyard near Patterson.
So when husband and co-owner Jarrod Boyle read a story about a Virginia winery that lost nearly its entire crop of grapes to theft earlier this month, they wanted to help in some way.
“We could appreciate the impact and how deflated it could leave you feeling,” Ali Boyle said.
Jarrod Boyle reached out to David and Allison Dunkenberger, owners of Firefly Hill Vineyard near Elliston, Va., on Facebook. After talking to the owners, the Boyles offered to replace more than 2 tons of grapes that were stolen.
“The industry truly cares about what happens to their neighbors,” said Vicky Scharlau, executive director of Washington Winegrowers, a Cashmere-based trade organization. “Kudos to Ali and Jarrod Boyle for stepping up to help a neighbor in need, and especially when they’re across the country.”>>>Read the entire article on the Yakima Herald