The Seattle Times
February 2, 2018
Andy Perdue considers historical context and industry impact — but not necessarily how easy these wines are to find.
WHILE I WAS writing a story earlier this year, Anacortes wine retailer Doug Charles mentioned one wine as the most important in Washington state history. That got me to thinking it might be interesting to compile a list of the most important wines ever made here.
This is the kind of list that could elicit argument. But I took into consideration the historical context of each wine and any role it played in pushing forward the state’s wine industry. The downside with this list is the wines’ lack of commercial availability. Perhaps you have one or two in your cellar, or you might find one on a wine list. You could consider trying a current release of these wines to see what all the original fuss was about. Here is what I came up with>>>Read the entire article featuring Chateau Ste Michelle, Columbia Winery and more on The Seattle Times