DATE NIGHT. Whether it’s an exciting first date complete with butterflies in your stomach or a carefully planned excursion with your spouse to escape from the kids, Woodinville offers a wine-themed getaway just 20 miles from downtown Seattle.
The hardest part will be choosing which of the 130 tasting rooms fit your type of romantic destination. The beauty is that it’s easy to plan a route that includes several wine experiences and ends with a great meal.
Here are a few ideas to turn Woodinville into a vintage experience:
• Avoid the hordes. Woodinville is popular. Hence all the tasting rooms, and traffic can get a little crazy. Go just about any weekend, and good luck finding primo parking. If you’re planning to take a date wine-tasting, avoid the big weekend festivals — perhaps try a weeknight.
• Ambience. Woodinville is wine country, but, with few exceptions, it doesn’t have the vineyards one finds in, say, the Yakima Valley. This makes it harder to find the ideal spot for an intimate picnic>>>Read more on The Seattle Times