The Seattle Times
November 16, 2018
12 recommended bottles for each holiday pair beautifully with feasts for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s.
AS FALL TRANSITIONS to winter, we enter the holiday season, that time of year when wine lovers are expected to provide guidance — and wine — for upcoming holiday feasts. I look at this as an opportunity to share wines I’ve tasted and collected throughout the year, and to share gems from the cellar.
Here are a dozen for each holiday.
Thanksgiving is among the most challenging feasts to pair wines with. There are so many complex and diverse flavors, it’s nearly impossible to match wines with all the dishes on the table. My strategy is to open a number of bottles, favoring wines with high acid profiles and lots of delicious flavors that finish memorably.>>>Read the entire article featuring Ambassador Wines, Brian Carter Cellars, Chateau Ste Michelle, DeLille Cellars, Smasne Cellars and more on The Seattle Times